
Sunday, 1 November 2009

Rainy Sunday

Decided to try and write something here every day, otherwise I'd lose interest very quickly and this would end up the same way as the Live Journal account I opened about a year ago.

The weather is utterly horrible today, chucking it down with grey skies and freezing winds. The wife needs to go to ASDA to get passport photographs taken, but since we've both got a bit of a cold, procrastination is the topic of the day. Well, it's my topic, she's doing her best to convince me that the weather isn't going to get any better and we might as well go and get drenched now rather than later.

The week ahead isn't looking too busy, the boss is away till Thursday so I've been left a list of things that I should try before then. On Saturday we're having a work function at his house since a member of the lab is leaving after around 8 years of working there, that should be fun. I'm also going to try and get a journal club up and running since I've always wanted to be part of one.

Music wise, there's nothing really going on. I'm still weighing up the pro's and con's of changing drummers on a more permanent basis. While one is the more natural drummer with a more open calendar to do gigs, the other is the old friend who can keep a beat, and I enjoy him being part of the band. It's not a trivial matter.

I'm currently trying to finish a new song called Tacitus which I expect to be ready for our show at the end of November. This show is going to be properly recorded for some kind of live release. Ah fuck it, I just fell in to the mode of "local rockstar" that I fucking hate. It's not a fucking "release", it'll be either a CD that I burn in my own bedroom under the banner of a record label that I created, or it will be packaged as a ZIP file for download on the website. Either way people will get to hear it if they choose to, but it won't be "released".

However, I identify myself as a DIY musician (a well known music website once described me as DIYtastic), so perhaps its just the word "release" that I take humbridge to? I prefer "put out", as in to put out a new EP. Release has the connotations to me of keeping the music secret to only an inner circle of managers, A&R, laywers under lock and key until, the, very, last, minute, when, it's, ready, to, burst, andthenallofasuddeneveryonewillrunoutandbuyacopyinahypedupohmygawdthisiswin type way.

So, aye, we'll be recording the gig and it will be put out there in some fashion.


  1. Hello Mr Hughes!! Tis Steph btw :) what on earth is a journal club?

    Oh and good luck with the drummer thing! I know it isn't easy, but those involved will thank you for thinking it through properly :)


  2. Hey Steph,
    A journal club is where a group of like minded academics meet up every regularly to discuss a journal article that has been brough. THen they go for a meal, or to the pub and discuss it some more.
    IT's not as wet as the title describes, and isn't that much like the babysitters club!
    I'll be emailing those involved in the drummer question tonight or tomorrow.
    Any news on the Backwards we play video clip? I'm dying to see it!

  3. Hey hey x couldn't get the clip off my phone cos I didn't have the wee memory card adapter thing, but I will do tomorrow so I shall post it and let you know then!

    And it does sound slightly babysitters club-esque, but then I loved the babysitters club! Thats the kind of thing id love to do. If i was an academic, that is!
